Friday, December 20, 2013

What are you doing?

A great conflict I find in my life is that I have all these great ideas and thoughts, yet they rarely materialize or manifest. I find that my greatest enemy of any great shift change is myself. It is much easier to just maintain the status quo and keep trucking.

But I find that days turn into months and months turn into years. I think one of the greatest disappointments in life is knowing that I have not lived up to my true potential. Looking back at the years that have passed I realize that I had everything even when I had nothing. This is a reference to the wealth we all possess in the time we have. We have all heard the saying "time is money" but fail to put that into proper perspective.

The time we have makes us rich if we abide in the realization that we can do anything with that space of existence. We are wonderfully and fearfully created. Oxygen goes into our lungs that revitalizes our blood with every breath that we take, the blood flows through veins and arteries which feeds the cells which form tissue with oxygen. This invisible (to the naked eye) element then provides life to the brain which is continually firing off signals through the nervous system which commands the body even while you are asleep. These electric pulses fly through you with lightning speed and jump across synaptic gaps so that even the simplest of movements or actions are nothing short of astounding.

You are able to think and navigate this amazing vessel you call your body by your own will. If you desire to rise up, lie down, go out, build, instruct, establish a legacy that will last when you are long gone.........or if you desire to earn in order to consume aimlessly........

The last thing I want to do is look back and realize that I did nothing with my greatest resource, time.
I want to look back and know that I fulfilled my potential and did not waste time nor energy. The very things that marinate in my mind will only rot if I do not act on them, like marinating a T-bone steak and fine vinegar and oil but never cooking it. What a waste that would be.

I believe everyone possesses passion about something yet do not "find the time" to pursue it. So I ask you the same question I ask myself, "what are you doing?"

Go to Youtube channel TheVicariousLife1 to see a video of a sunrise over Sao Palo, Brazil and to hear more of this matter.

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