Monday, December 30, 2013

A new year approaches

Inevitably it is that time again, we approach the turning over of a new leaf. A new year approaches and another fades away never to return. That time cannot be reclaimed or relived. Just as the years past I think about what I have done with my time and how I can better manage the time in the coming year. I am not one who boasts in new year resolutions for these are commitments often time, I think to convince ourselves of goals we do not intend to keep. 

However, I reflect and try to take away some wisdom through the events of the past year and lessons I've learned that would benefit me in making decisions day by day. In this I can learn and grow into maturity for daily devotion to God and discernment for decision making without boasting in something I may fall short of thereby setting up myself and those who look up to me for disappointment. 

Many times I have heard of these resolutions which never come to fruition or maturity. This is because we try to treat the symptom instead of the cause. The outward manifestations of poor health, bad habits or ill manners are really the effects of the causes of discontentment, apathy, lack of concern or consideration, pride, covetousness, jealousy or lack of compassion and forgiveness. 

Therefore let us not aspire to change some aspect of our lives, but to seek Jeshua (Jesus) for repentance so that we can have a change of heart that will surely render the results of a clean conscience and upright spirit. I speak from experience for I daily must examine myself and find where those ungodly attributes try to creep in and take root in my heart.

It does not take a new year or a Sunday church service for me to commune with Jeshua and let the light of his Spirit and his word to enter my heart and dispel the darkness of discontentment, covetous or apathy. If I seek him with my whole heart and receive the repentance he gives, I can be renewed daily and the good diet, healthy regimen and goods manners will follow. Day by day. 

"In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves, peradventure God will grant them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth"
2 Timothy 2:25

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