Monday, January 20, 2014

Paradigm shift

It is so ironic that on a blog titled "don't let time get away" I have let 20 days go by without a single post. What a shame! This is the reason I feel this urgency, knowing that with every passing day I am one day closer to my expiration. Will I indeed stand before God and give the account of a man that wasted his time? God forbid! 

I want only to hear these words, "well done thy good and faithful servant". 

This is the daily struggle to readjust my thinking or paradigm to radically alter my habits and behavior. It all starts with your thinking. 

"Whatsoever a man thinks, so is he."

That is a quote from the scriptures but consider this philosophy; 
Your thoughts control your actions, your actions determine your behavior and your behavior defines your character.

The only way to change deep rooted behavior patterns is to seek God daily giving all diligence to pursue and encounter the LIVING savior! My prayer daily is that God would lead me out of routine, routine is that which binds the spirit and keeps our thinking inside a box. 

We have a hope and joy unspeakable if we are of the family of God! We have the same spirit that raised the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) from the dead dwelling inside of us ready to raise us up on the last day. 

We have a promise from the immutable creator that he will redeem us and give us eternal life! 

How much then, shall we hold our conversation in the things that become the gospel which gives us comfort and hope to the unregenerate? 

Time is a finite resource to a finite creation, so let us labor for that which fades not away. Let us lay aside all foolish talk. For in the day of judgement every idle word shall be given an account for. This is enough to make me shudder at the thought of every wasted moment and every hollow word that did not bring glory to our Creator, the God of Abraham, The God who appeared on Mt Sinai to Moses and the God who in dwelled a body of flesh, YAHWEH!!!!!

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